sandstone|sandstones in English


['sand·stone || 'sændstəʊn]

soft sedimentary rock formed by the compression of sand and other minerals

Use "sandstone|sandstones" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sandstone|sandstones" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sandstone|sandstones", or refer to the context using the word "sandstone|sandstones" in the English Dictionary.

1. The formation has pebbly sandstones, arkosic sandstones and siltstones, and intercalated thin Arenaceous …

2. Chiseled Sandstone is a decorative variation of the common sandstone block

3. Argillaceous sandstones contain a significant level of clay or silt

4. The middle massive sandstone and upper pebbly sandstone formed in an estuary, foreshore and nearshore environments.

5. Limestone and sandstone are quite unsuitable.

6. (1) The thinner Bedded sandstones are considered overbank flood deposits

7. Textural and stratification data show that the Weissliegendes sandstones were deposited in a shallow marine depositional environment and that the aeolian dune origin for the sandstones should be rejected.

8. Dakota Sandstone Concretion, Rock City, Ottawa County

9. Arkose Arkose is a feldspar-rich sandstone

10. Cementation is one of the main processes involved, particularly for sandstones and conglomerates

11. Certain types of sandstone are permeable to water.

12. Houses in the area are built of sandstone.

13. Related to Argillaceously: Argillaceous sandstone, Argillaceous rock

14. Sandstone Aquifers can be highly productive and

15. Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.

16. 6 These sandstone bodies form elongate lenses.

17. The sandstone shows a more persistent oscillation.

18. Chiseled sandstone only generates naturally in desert temples

19. Authigenetic mineral assemblages in sandstones of a given burial history (Worden and Burley, 2003)

20. Provenance work on the turbidite sandstones has indicated at least two sources for heavy minerals.

21. Sandstone is a common example of an Arenaceous rock

22. The video opens in a red sandstone canyon.

23. Rugged sandstone cliffs rose up from the beach.

24. Such rocks are said to be permeable; sandstones and gravels are good examples of permeable rocks.

25. The Island is composed mainly of red sandstone.